Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Benefits of Drinking Wine

Getting plenty of resveratrol is extremely important in keeping our bodies and skin young and healthy! This is a natural phenol which is produced by natural plants which act in response to injury or when the plant is being attacked by bacteria or fungi. Resveratrol is typically in the skin of grapes but can also be found in other berries. One of the main ingredients of red wine is grapes, which means a healthy amount of wine can benefit us greatly! It has disease fighting and anti-aging powers. It is full of antioxidants and aids in keeping us healthy and young! Resveratrol can diminish insulin resistance which is what leads to diabetes. It can prevent blood clots, clogged arteries, and lowers blood cholesterol which causes heart disease. It can keep cancer cells from growing and spreading fighting off disease. Resveratrol is even known to be powerful enough to diminish brain damage by as much as 40% caused by stroke. All these things put stress on our bodies which put stress on our skin and contributes to our diminishing youth and aged appearance. So getting an optimal amount of resveratrol is important for our health. It will greatly contribute to keeping our skin young and healthy naturally. So go ahead and have that glass of wine! Obviously moderation is key, but a healthy amount is healthy for your entire body. For those non-wine drinkers and those who aren't big on berries, you can get your daily dose by taking a resveratrol supplement in pill form and you will benefit the same. 

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