About Me

       Hello all, my name is Shelley and I am a full time wife, nurse, and mom of two beautiful girls. I love what I do for a living, but most of all, I love my family and spending as much time with them as I can. My husband is a wonderful man and hard worker. My kids are so fun, sweet and loving. The years are going too fast and it's hard enough to keep up with life, so worrying about skin health is not something we want to have to do. Well worry no more! As long as we keep it all natural and know we aren't using any harsh chemicals in our make-up, lotions, body washes, etc., we can be confident that we are doing the best we can for our skin health. By nixing those items, we are taking good care of our skin right there. I enjoy learning about new ways to keep skin young and healthy, naturally. It is fun for me and I enjoy hearing and reading about others' beauty tips regardless of how busy my life is!
        I am now officially in my 30's, and I really don't want to age any faster due to life in general and the roadblocks we face. I don't want to see life's stressors and damage from the sun and environment when I look into the mirror. We all face challenges and we all have to make a living to provide for our families, which in my case means getting up at 5:45 am, usually giving me less than the "recommended" 8 hours of sleep daily! I wouldn't change a thing, though! I love my life and I love my family, but I also love to use all natural, organic products knowing that I am doing my skin a favor and keeping it free of toxic chemicals. These chemicals actually accelerate the aging process and damage our skin. There are many things we can do and many natural products to keep our appearances fresh and young. With a little maintenance and consistency we can keep our skin looking and feeling healthy and hold onto that youthful glow!
       I hope you get some useful information from my blog. I would love to hear some of your skin care tips and any suggestions or questions you may have. Please always feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for reading!

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